Georgie Kennett
Major Project
The Team
The team is the most fundamental part of the shoot because if a team cannot work together the images will reflect this. I have began making great contacts especially in third year and I was confident I could pull together a team that was reliable and allow me to create great images.
Rebecca Milles
I have also worked with Rebecca on several occasions and most recently when I created the hair brain and hair magnet for her, it was great fun. Since Marton normally has his own assistant that was unavailable on the weekend of the shoot I decided to ask Rebecca along to give Marton a helping hand. She was excited to come on board and to pick Marton’s brain about lighting and equipment etc.
Marton Schneider
I had previously worked with Marton on two shoots at sunbeam studios, he is a great photographer by being enthusiastic but calm and professional. Both of the previous shoots I had done with Marton were published by magazines. I had previously asked a photographer that I had worked with on specialist practice and she did agree, however later she told me she had too much of her own work to complete. It was frustrating but I contacted Marton on a whim to see if he was available. Marton is a 30 year old Hungarian photographer, he previously worked as a brand manager before deciding to pursue his dream of photography and moved to London around a year and a half ago. I sent some mood boards to Marton and straight away he was eager to get involved since he was looking to be involved in a creative fantasy style shoot.
Short Video about Marton:
Emily Sheridan
I have worked with Emily before on a shoot and although she is nervous with some direction from a good photographer which I know Marton is she will come out of her shell. Her bone structure is amazing and I can see her modelling the looks in my mind. She again was happy to come on board and get involved which is great.
My model was cautious about animal products and so I made sure all the brushes I used were synthetic not real hair, I tried to keep the products I used as ethical as possible.