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Project Plan

Project Title:



For Major Project I intend to create a range of fashion based images suitable for an advertisement promoting luxury and opulent items. I will create photographs that are recognisable as a collection and I will base the majority of my technical processes around hair work. I intend to collaborate with models, a photographer and fashion stylist to construct highly professional portfolio images. Developed technical research will allow me to showcase my practical work to a high standard that is recognisably advanced from level 4 and 5. I will work to a highly professional standard presenting my readiness for the transition into the industry.


LO1 Demonstrate the ability to rigorously apply specialist knowledge, understanding and creativity in the production of your major project.

This will be shown through the design process and also through the technical processes used. Designs will inform the final outcomes and specialist knowledge should be applied throughout and this is where knowledge expansion from SP comes into consideration. Through frequent make up tests and thorough technical research the creative applications will improve, ensuring that the final outcome is to a high professional standard.


LO2 Demonstrate your awareness of the ethical, social and cultural issues appropriate to the concept of a responsible professional practitioner, whether working independently or as part of a team.

This will be evidenced through documentation of the professional side of the work produced in the form of evidence from contacts, awareness of health and safety, even consideration of brush ethics. The cultural and social views of the topic I focus on will underpin almost all of the developmental blog research.


LO3 Demonstrate the ability to manage the complexity of practice demanded by the major project by managing your time and work efficiently.

This will be achieved through the consideration of work plans and project plans. Through creating a weekly work plan including a list of tasks I hope to achieve whilst incorporating contingency time I will prevent myself from falling behind and failing to achieve what I intend to create.


LO4     Demonstrate your ability to work independently and to a professional standard in a group or individual setting.

This will be determined by the type of team involved in the outcome however it does all depend on independent thinking in regard to the project to create something portfolio worthy regardless of working in a team or alone.




Ruskai, M. and Lowery, A. (2010) Wig making and styling: A complete guide for theatre and film. United Kingdom: Focal Press.


Biddle-Perry, G. and Cheang, S. (eds.) (2008) Hair: Styling, culture and fashion. Oxford: Berg Publishers.


Cox, C. and Widdows, L. (2005) Hair and fashion. London: Victoria & Albert Museum.


Musgrove, J. (2003) Make-up, hair and costume for film and television. Oxford, U.K: Focal Press. Homepage (2016) Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2016).



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