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Body Painting Research

Peta Campaigns

This is an example of how body art is used in the media for advertisement purposes. The body art is also being used here in relation to contemporary issues about animal cruelty which is interesting to see because in a way body painting is being used to influence societies perceptions on current issues. 


PETA. (2012}. PETA unveils new ad featuring TOWIE star Lauren Goodger[online]. Available from: [Accessed 21 December 2014].


The skins they are in are completely bodypaint, PETA are usng celebrities to advertise the cruel use of animal skins in fashion. 

PETA. (2012). Laura Vandervoort. [online] Available from: [Accessed 22 December]. 

The three photos here were used for a PETA add campaign about clothes made from animal skins and furs being worn for fashion purposes. The message is that the animals are being killed for the sake of people wearing animal skins.



PETA. (2012). lisa-b-exotic-skins. [online]. Available from: [ Accessed 21 December 2014]. 

Kryolan Calendar. 

I have included this third image because the cabbage has been realistically replicated on the face with the added use of prosthetics. Prosthetics can be used to enhance the overall look of a body art peice and can often be extremely realistic.

This second Image has been created using red aqua colour with sections of white aqua colour to create the highlight of the pepper. This technique works really well, the body actually looks wet from where the highlight has been carefully placed.

The following images are from a Kryolan calendar shoot. The picture above demonstrated the use of shading and highlighting over colour to create a realistic representation of the pears. I do think texture could have been added to make the pears even more lifelike but the body painting is still impressive. 

Work by Various Artists

The following nine pictures have been taken from the webpage: 

BoredPanda. (2014). 22 Stunning Examples Of Animal Body Art. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 21 December 2014].

The picture above is replicating a flamingo without painting the actual shape of one onto the body. The body is being used to creare the shape of the animal. 

The picture above shows the recreation of a giraffe. The careful and precise painting on the foot displays a realistic representation of the animals face. This is an example where the shading of the colours has taken a back seat to the precise shapes that have been presented on the skin. 

This representation of a sea horse has been extremely well executed. The whole design of the body paint must have been challenging to create because of the way the body has to fit together to match up the design. Imagining how the body paint will look while applying the make up must have been difficult.

This example of body art is one of Craig Traceys.. shown below. He is an extremely talented body artist that is able to capture realness in vital areas like the eyes to ensure that the body paint looks realistic. The finer details in this make-up such as the shadows of the grass on the tigers nose make this exceptional. 

The body art in the picture above is one of my favourites because of the way the movement has been captured in the tail. This fighting fish consists of a variation of vibrant colours with the use of white  body paint creating highlight in vital areas to bring it to life. 

The colour used to create the chameleon is extremely vibrant in comparison to the black that has been painted over the rest of the body, The black background in comparison to the white background used above increases the intensity of the colour used to create the animal. 

The body painting of the peacock is constructed with one arm through the middle recreating the peacocks head and neck, the feathers and body have are actually constructed with legs and feet. In this picture there are in total 8 bodies making the peacock. At first glance this is not noticible until you notice the toes that are around the arm in the centre. 

The above image is another of my favourites because at first glance the image does look like a genuine parrot on the stump of a tree, it is not until later inspection that you can spot the overall shapes of the body and most of all the face of the model. Th colours have been precisely create a successful make-up. 

The photograph above actually consists of three bodies that are painted. The imense detail in this make-up is beautiful. The three bodies capture the essense of the frogs body. This make-up would require careful planning of how the bodies would fit together and what colour must go where because otherwise the overall effect would be unsuccessful if the colours didn't match up. 

The History of Body Art.

The art of body painting has been practiced throughout the world by various cultures and tribes for their ritual body painting events. In fact, evidence of tattoos has been discovered in Eurasian dating back to Neolithic era. Natives of+ Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands and some parts of Africa are still painting their bodies as their ancient ancestors did before them. Many of the cultural traditions and customs from this area are fast disappearing as the modern world takes hold. 

Body painting is still widely practiced among all Andamanese groups. It has deep (if unclear) spiritual significance but also was (and in some groups still is) the Andamanese way of dressing up.

Various tribes and groups of people have different reasons for body painting among Andamanese the rare white clay was used only in one strictly traditional pattern, the so called snake-pattern, lines zig-zagging in a particular way across the body, which in some ways corresponds to western gala or formal dress. This clay and its associated pattern was applied across the entire body for large gatherings and dances involving two or more local groups. It was also used at the dance that marked the end of the mourning period and after a wedding ceremony when the bride and groom were painted in this way.


The pictures above have ll been taken from:

Inspiration Green. (2014) The Ultimate Canvas. [online]. Available from: v [Accessed 3 January 2015].


Body Painters 

Johannes Stötter

Johannes Stötter is artist, musician and fine art bodypainter. As a fully autodidactic artist Johannes developed his painting style and his bodypainting technique without any relation to other bodypainting artists and their work. He joined the international bodypainting community in 2009 at the World Bodypainting Festival in Austria, where he took part at the bodypainting world championship for the first time. In 2013 he became world famous with his legendary creation of a tropical frog consisting of 5 human bodies, so he made headlines in the world press and was featured in newspapers, magazines and online magazines. Today Johannes teaches Bodypainting at the World Bodypainting Academy – at the WBF (World Bodypainting Festival) as well as around the world. 


The pictures below are an example of some of Johannes work, the one he is most famous for is shown above in the section showing various artists work. The recreation of the frog gave him plenty of publicity, not only does he have great skill painting precise works of art he also has the ability to create body art that can camoflage the body into the landscape; as shown below. 

All images taken from: 

Johannesstoetterart. (2012). Bodypaintings Pictures in bodies. [online] Available from: [Accessed 30 December 2014].

Craig Tracy

Craig Tracy was born in the USA he is a graduate of The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale and was a professional freelance illustrator by the age of twenty. It was not until much later on in his life that he began to take body painting seriously, he researched various fine art bodypainters that he respected and admired. Along with his friend Jeral Tidwell Craig entered the World Body Painting Festival held in southern Austria where they were awarded a first place honor. Today Craig Tracy bodypaints exclusively and also owns and operates the very first art gallery in the world dedicated to fine art body painted images. 

The following images are all work of Craig Tracy my particular favourite is the bottom right advertisement campaign for Fiat using multiple bodies to create the form of a car. 

All images and supporting info taken from: 

Craig Tracy's Fine Art Bodypainting Gallery. (2014). Gallery. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 3 January]. 

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