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Final Looks

Above I experimented with recreating a Barbie face with makeup. I completely removed the eyebrows and created new ones much higher, this was in order to draw on the large eyes. The eyes completely changed the aesthetics of the face which I was looking to explore. Many women look to Barbie as a beauty ideal using a heavy contour I moulded the face into a more oval shape like Barbies. This makeup was successful in that it is clear I have been able to explore how the face can be changed into beauty ideals and also the difference between real and fake beauty ideals. There is no way anyone could look this way, eyes do not appear that large on the face and the alignment of the features are not achievable. This proves that society are creating unrealistic goals that are unachievable. The makeup did turn out to be what I had imagined and because it was an experimentation I did not focus on the hair at all I could have used a wig to add to the effect. 

The prosthetic application of the breasts went much better than expected. Too much silicone was being used to create the breasts in it so I ended up using geletine as an alternative. This was poured into the fiberglass mould. It was a different way of making a geletine prosthetic that I have not used before, the method actually worked much better than before because on a previous project when I made geletine prosthetics the edges were horrendously thick and incapable of blending. This time however the breasts were successful. The application whereby I applied them over the models natural breasts was the longest part of the process. The painting of the prosthetics was a much quicker process but was probably the most successful part. The geletine prosthetics at first sight did not have clear nipples as I only sculpted the shape and some texture around them, the nipples seen in the picture above were completely painted. I used skin illustrator to colour the pieces after applying sealer over the whole area and this worked really well to match the flesh tones, as you can see in the picture directly above of a close up of the nipple the colour was built up in layers. The only thing in these pictures is the shiny prosaid line around the left breast which should have been powdered, the shine can easily be taken out in photoshop if the images were to be edited. Although there are some areas that needed more attention I did successfully transform my models breasts from a B/C cup to a D/DD. The only thing with geletine is that it can appear quite hard so for film the prosthetics would definitely be silicone. 

The inspiration behind this makeup relates to my appraisal because of the increasing numbers of anorexia cases in young women. I decided to experiment with painting colour onto the face to create definition suggesting the concept of anorexia. The reason for experimenting with colour rather than prosthetics or other is because often simpler makeup experimentation creates the desired effect. Instead of using warm colours to create the makeup look I decided to use greys, browns and pinky whites from the MakeUp International Foundation Palette, by adding the grey shades the appearance of the face is somewhat ill in comparison to if warm tones were used. The greys are more suited to this look because my aim was to create a makeup of someone affected badly by anorexia. anorexia is an illness and can beat down the immune system until the whole body shuts down therefore colours are chosen appropriately relying on whether you are representing an anorexic person covered up in makeup or an anorexic person as they would look bare skinned. Some areas of the definition needed more attention like the cheek shape around the cheekbones, the shadow around the chest area is a little smudgy and could do with some more defnition. If I were to create the makeup again I would focus more time onto the shapes I was attempting to create with the shadow to add to the overall effect of the makeup. 

The pictures above are from a make-up I created to experiment with colour theory and colour representation to link to my appraisal subject. I did not plan to use the forehead prosthetic but I decided to incorporate it into the design. The actual prosthetic did not have great edges and it was difficult to blend however it does add to the impact of the look. The makeup reminds me of either a villian or female superhero which is relevent as they are both often sexualised heavily in film and characters are focused around the male audience and portrayed in a way that appeals to hetrosexual men. During the application of the makeup it was interesting how the impression changed once the red was added. The makeup started off looking like a woodland themed design and until the red appeared very natural this shows me that the ideas I had about colour theory and how colour representation is used in film to change character perceptions is accurate. I am dissapointed with the prosthetic piece because of the edges however I am satisfied that I have managed to explore and apply colour theory to my work. 

Colour Representation as Sexualisation

Prosthetic Breast Enhancement to Create the Perfect Body

Anorexia Make-Up Relating to Pressure on Women

Barbie Make-Up to Create the Perfect Face

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