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Foam Latex Research

Foam Latex


  • There is always 20% foaming agent to 100% of latex base, 

  • Curing agent is added to the mixture to give it a memory foam appearance. 

  • 10% curing agent to 100% latex base. 

  • Average of 14% gelling  agent added depending on the temperature of the room. 

  • The gelling agent helps the foam to set it should be added at the end. 

  • If the temperature of the room is different the only amount that needs to be changed is the gelling agent. 

  • A themometer should be used to determine the temperature, when it is humid the amount of time you can work with the foam before setting changes. 

  • A higher speed on a mixer should be used for between 2-8 minutes depending on the size of the mould. 

  • The wisk adds bubbles to make it rise like shaving foam. 

  • Refining the foam on a lower speed removes big bubbles and can take 20 minutes. 


Types of Moulds 

  • In silicone moulds- the foam tends to collapse because it is a non pourous base however it does work. 

  • Fast cast- is a eurothene resin it doesn't shrink but it is toxic and you must wear a mask.

  • Plaster mould- must wait for the oven to cool down before removing as the plaster will break if it is taken out of the oven while hot. 

Mould Release

  • Spray mount is used for all non pourous moulds for example fiberglass, one layer is enough.

  • Mould release is used for pourous materials like plaster.


Foam latex is much lighter than silicone so is used much more for large head and body pieces because silicone is so heavy.

Book Reference: Debreceni, T. (2013) Special makeup effects for stage and screen : making and applying prosthetics. 2nd edn. Burlington, MA.: Focal Press.


The book referenced above explains how to apply a foam latex prosthetic. The book does not explain in huge detail how to blend an edge perfectly however it does give tips such as making sure the piece is glued with care it explains that the piece should have as thin edges as possible in the first place to achieve a successful makeup transformation. 


The book mentions nothing about sealing the piece but this can be done to avoid discolouration. between the piece and the skin. The book advises it is best to use rubber mask greasepaint to colour the pieces but other products can be used for example in the videos below the make-up artist uses a variation of products to achieve the final look.


Pax adhesive paint is applied all over the prosthetic to achieve a red/ pink undertone in all the creases. Natural flesh tones are applied over the top of the previous base colour to add depth tp the prosthetic and a contrast between dark and light areas.

Alcohol based brown paint is flicked onto the prosthetic to add texture and realistic marks on the skin, this adds depth and realism. An even lighter flesh tone is applied to the higher spots to add texture and highlight creating a three dimentional appearance. The final step is the application of red tones around the mouth and eyes, caster oil is added to create shine and teeth are worn to bring the look together.


The video above shows the application of a foam latex face prosthetic. The make-up artist first fits the prosthetic to the face before glueing with prosaid. 

A cotton bud is used to apply the prosaid over the entire nose area, the rest of the piece is glued down gradually starting from around the nose area. 

Powder is applied over the edges to remove the tackiness from the glue.  Alcohol is used to lift and flatten the edge to the skin. Some areas require ridge filler in the form of prosaid cream adhesive. 

Foam Latex Application

Hercules and War Horse

The pictures above show the foam latex pieces used to create the warewolf in The Beast Among Us. The first picture shows the foam latex piece after it has been demoulded with the bleeder holes not yet cut off and the seams visible, the second and third pictures are of the pieces once they have been painted. The painting of the pieces really makes a huge difference in creating the overall effect of the make up. Without the immense detail added the warewolf would lose realism and not achieve the effect needed for the film. 


Three image references: AlienFactory. (2014). Portfolio. [online]. Available from:!portfolio/c1lzk. [Accessed 10 January]. 

The foam latex pieces above were used to create one of several horses in Hercules 2014, the technique used was similar to the creation of war horse (shown above). The foam latex piece was painted and flocked with hair to achieve the final image, The horse looks incredibly real and is astonoshing to think it is made from foam latex. Often foam latex is used for animatronics becasuse of its weight and appearance. 


Two images references: AlienFactory. (2014). Portfolio. [online]. Available from:!portfolio/c1lzk. [Accessed 10 January]. 


Video reference: Chris Clarke. (2012). Animatronic 'Joey' From 'War Horse. Available from: [Accessed 20 January 2015]. 

Warewolf- the Beast Among Us. 

It is impressive to think that the foam latex mask shown above with no painting before application ends up creating the character to the right. It is not really until the piece has been applied and painted that the detail really comes to life. The first picture is of the torso foam latex piece that covers the shoulders and half the arms, the actor is in a complete foam latex suit along with the facial prosthetic false teeth and also hair.


Image references: AlienFactory. (2014). Portfolio. [online]. Available from:!portfolio/c1lzk. [Accessed 10 January]. 


Third image reference: IMDB. [2010]. Photo Gallery. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 10 January 2015].

These creatures from the Sarah Jane Adventures 2009 called Blathereens were created with a full suit and head of foam latex as you can see above. The would be made from large moulds that have been originally sculpted in clay. 

As you can see in the final image the suits have been carefully painted / sprayed with colour, this is a large job that could not be done in silicone.


Image references: AlienFactory. (2014). Portfolio. [online]. Available from:!portfolio/c1lzk. [Accessed 10 January]. 

Third Image: Tardis Wikia. [n.d] Slitheen-Blathereen family. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 11 Janurary 2015].

The Wolfman 2010

Sarah Jane Adventures 2009

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