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The youtube video above demonstrates the ever growing advances in technology which now allows make-up to be applied to a moving face for the first time ever. This is pretty groundbreaking and somewhat frightening for a make-up artist because the technology is doing the make-up artists work. However I don't think there will ever be a point where the make-up artist will be wiped out and not needed anymore. This video is just interesting to watch to see how far technology has come in the past decade. 


Video Reference: DeDabbelyou. (2014). OMOTE / REAL-TIME FACE TRACKING PROJECTION MAPPING. [online] Available from: [Accessed 12 November 2014]. 


Gait analysis-

  • Used for measuring and analysing body movements and the activity of the human muscles

  • Gait analysis can be used to record the movements of people with medical conditions to assess and treat patients. It is also used in sports biomechanics to understand injuries during sport and to improve performance.

  • Information is recorded through cameras that pick up these movements; the information can be put together for evidence.

CGI in film-

  • CGI stands for ‘Computer Generated Images’.

  • Examples of CGI in film include; Westworld 1973, Star Wars 1977, Tron 1983 and Sherlock Holmes 1983.

  • CGI affects; the make-up, the acting, the set building, the costume, creature FX and props.

Digital in make-up-

  • Mocap (motion capture)

  • Percap (performance capture)

  • Allows you to apply the make-up onto the digital face.

  • Technology has improved so that there are no longer robotic movements as the movements are captured on every centimetre of the face.

  • The digital make-up of today is increasing now because of the advances in technology.

  • Advances in technology create movement with the face that would not be possible with make-up.

  • It is important to be aware of the available technology, so that working in the industry you are not ignorant to the ever changing processes of film production.

  • As an example of when real make-up and digital make-up have been used together is for creating the character Voldemort in Harry Potter. His nose has been removed and re built with graphics however small facial prosthetics were still used to change other parts of the face.

  • Another example of how the two are used together is Avatar, although the whole film is completely CGI, the characters were in fact created previously with make-up and costume.

Digital Characters

  • Some characters are just not possible to create solely with make-up and costume.

  • Animatronic characters sometimes are too unstable and unrealistic etc.

  • CGI captures the technique of real acting as they are real reactions and real movements.

  • The characters are believable and it is more possible for the viewers to create an emotional attachment to the character.

  • Green lantern is a good example of when CGI has been used to replace a material costume. The CGI costume reflects the original super hero appearance with muscles visible, the costume does not soften the bone anatomy and muscle structure of the body with material therefore it appears like skin.

  • Outstanding prosthetic make-up still used for green lantern showing that prosthetics are still favoured rather than CGI.

Tools used

  • Photoshop

  • Maya TM (used in Spider Man)

  • Z brush (a sculpting package used in Pirates of Caribbean, original Robo Cop and Uncle White.

  • Softimage

  • Mudbox (similar to z brush)


The CGI being introduced is the beginning of a new era for make-up, costume and acting. Although it is being used a lot more for different purposes it doesn’t mean that it will completely replace the make-up and costume departments. 

Digital Technology

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