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What Is Perfection

What is Perfection?

What is Beauty?

What is Ugliness?

What is Societies Perception?

  • Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

  • Is beauty what we see in magazines and music videos?

  • Is there a stereotype of beauty?

  • Does the idea of beauty change?

  • What is percieved as ugly?

  • Is ugliness on the inside or outside?

  • What are the stereotypes of ugliness?

  • Can we be born ugly or do we become ugly?

  • Is the media influencing socieies views? 

  • Is there pressure in society to be beautiful? 

  • Is there a prejudice towards other ethnicities, are they seen as perfection? 

  • What trigers these views about perfection? 

  • Are we taught from a young age what is beautiful and what is not? 

  • Does perfection exist?

  • Why do we strive for perfection?

  • Can perfection be achieved with cosmetic surgery?

  • What extent will people go to become the perfect male or female?

Initial Ideas for Make-Up Exploration

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