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Types of Hair 

It is important for me during this project to research into the various types of hair available to determine what would be the best for the work I am trying to create. At this initial stage I know that I would like to make a wig with a hair structure incorprorated. For budget reasons I do not know whether it is realistic to create the whole thing with real human hair however the base of the wig must blend seamlessly onto the models head. I have an idea of creating part of the wig with human hair and part with synthetic to minimise costs but still maintain a realistic application. 

Human Hair 

European Hair -



Asian Hair -


Asian hair is less expensive than european hair for the previous reasons I have talked about, generally asian hair is available in limited colours. If there is blonde or light asian hair available it is normally in a relitively bad condition because of the difficulty to dye such dark hair. 

The model I am using has dark hair anyway and I would like to stick to a dark hairstyle therefore I would not need to purchase european hair which is much more expensive for budget reasons this is great as I can use asian hair. 

Image Reference: Wholesale natural human hair: European, Uzbek, Bleached Savic hair (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 14 October 2015).

European hair is the most desired human hair available because of the colour variety, the hair quality is generally the best simply because the hair tends not to be as drastically bleached or dyed compared to asian hair as asian hair is naturally dark and thick. Wigs look more natural and realistic with european hair depending on the model or actor etc. If you use asain hair in a wig designed for a european actor or actress the authenticity of the wig will not be believable. 

Image Reference: Wholesale natural human hair: European, Uzbek, Bleached Savic hair (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 14 October 2015).

Yak Hair-


Yaks grow hair that is quite a long length and it is coarser than human hair. It is widely available in pure white, this is useful as pure white human hair is rare and if available generally dyed a lot. Hair from the belly of a yak is the finest and softest. Yak hair can also be dyed almost any colour especially if its white yak hair. 


Crepe Hair -


Crepe hair is sheeps wool, it can be bought in ropes of various colours that have been dyed. It can be used to make hair pads like bun rings as well as for laid on hair work such as beards and moustaches. It can be bought cheaply in most colours. crepe hair is relitively cheap to buy therefore can be a go to choice when human hair is not in the budget however it is used for smaller make-up effects and generally to support structures and tends not to be the main body. 

Specialist Practice

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